Friday, 5 September 2014

International Communication Services (ICS) Dubai

Language is the route to all communication, and is of the utmost importance where information exchange of any kind is concerned. We are ICS, and proudly stand amongst the top language translation agencies in the world. With a deep level of international penetration, we are well positioned to offer a highly competent language secretariat for conferences on a multitude of subjects, anywhere in the world. 

Our teams of experts comprise experienced language specialists who approach each translation project with your specifications in mind, and tailor the project precisely according to your outlined specifications. Whether it is verbal or document translation, we are sure to be your preferred solutions provider.

ICS is widely recognized in the industry as a company which represents commitment, reliability as well as the highest quality of work. We are proud to have completed 30 years in this business, and continue to be the company of choice for an exhaustive range of clients across the globe.

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